Retaking the Party
My blog is a bad news blog. I am forever trying to say the nastiest things in the nicest way. I have a gift, or some might say a curse, of seeing what is deficient in the machinery of any thought almost before it has expressed itself. Rocker calls me "the quintessential cynic" I take no offense at this either, for it is the truth. I will always counter by saying that "a cynic is nothing more than a realist with experience", but I think it is time to let everyone see another side of me, a more "optimistic" side, because I've got good news, in fact some very good news!
As anyone who has ever read my blog knows I am a "free thinking" constitutionalist leaning toward, but not committed to the principles espoused by the Libertarian Party, at least not entirely, as my thinking is not constrained by any party line.I usually have little enthusiasm for any of the "spin" coming from either of the two dominant parties. My "gift" does not allow me the luxury of any such indulgence. As a result, my enthusiasm is usually held "tongue-in-cheek". There are, however,occasional moments of optimism breaking through the clouds of doubt that give even me some hope. This is one of them.I believe that we have an opportunity for what might be a pursuit worth thinking about-retaking the Republican Party.
According to an Associated Press report released late last week, Dr. Ron Paul(R-Tx) is contemplating a run for the presidency in 2008. He has filed papers in Texas allowing him to form an exploratory committee that can begin to raise the money necessary for such a venture. The nine term Congressman from southeast Texas has already done so before in 1988 as the Libertarian candidate. He received over 400,000 votes on election day. This time around he will be running as a Republican, which means he will be facing much better known, and funded candidates such as "RINO" John McCain, however, I think that we may have a very small,but distinct window of opportunity here.
Both parties are controlled from the top, make no mistake about that, but I have been reading in my "sources" of compelling arguments that a power struggle has emerged among the ranks of the super-elites of the GOP. Arrayed on one side are the longstanding internationalist bankers who want to operate through entities like the UN, and the IMF. On the other side are the neo-cons and their wealthy ilk that have a vision of some great "Pax Americana", a global empire run from Washington (thru Israel). Lest there be any misunderstanding; both camps are internationalists through and through. Both are in the business of promoting neo-socialism, and communitarianism. Both would dissolve our national sovereignty, and our constitutional republican form of government in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. But they differ over certain specific issues. One of them is the war in Iraq.
A few months ago, Richard Haas, President of the Council on Foreign Relations,published an article in which he declared the Iraq war unwinnable, and has called for an exit strategy. The neo-con controlled Bush Administration wants to "stay the course" without informing the American people as to what this really means, however, with the president having just called for 21,500 troops to be sent to Iraq it doesn't take too much of a brain to see what is to come-war with Iran, which the neo-cons have been salivating at the mouth for for quite some time. I sometimes wonder if the corporate interests that put both Hitler, and Stalin into power ever imagined the pure evil, and bloodlust that would be as a result of their myopic vision. But that is another thought to be argued another day because all of this is good news. The "freedom movement" has an opportunity to retake the Republican Party now that the warmongering neo-cons have been stalemated by the neo-socialists, thus dividing the party in two.
As far as Ron Paul is concerned, he is one of the very few true constitutionalists in Congress. The Constitution is his bible. If its not in there, he doesn't even attempt to do it. He casts his votes exclusively on what he believes the Constitution empowers the federal government to do, and votes consistently against bills he believes exceed the authority given Congress in the Constitution.As a result, he usually finds himself at odds with most of the rest of Congress, including the power brokers of the Republican Party. Its no secret that both of the major parties endorse the "nanny state", and have long since departed from the concept of a constitutional republic in any real form. Ron Paul has no "secret" agendas that include the dismantling of America in the name of "free trade"(NAFTA) which isn't "free" unless you are part of the corporate elite. There is nothing in the Constitution that empowers the feds to "partner" with big business, or supply it with corporate welfare in the form of either money or "workers"(read-slaves). As a result Paul has co-sponsered a resolution(H.C.R.487) to put a stop to the ongoing merger of the US with Canada, and Mexico, which would be a de facto reversal of the Declaration of Independence.
None of this can be said about John McCain the "beloved" of the mainstream. As a matter of fact, I doubt that we can say it about any of the others who seek the Republican nomination except for Tom Tancredo who is also sending out "feelers"(he was the co-sponser of H.C.R. 487 along with Paul).
"There's no question that it is an uphill battle, and that Dr. Paul is definitely an underdog," said Kent Snyder of the exploratory committee, "but he feels very strongly about his chances in light of the present situation, and that it is well worth the doing. We'll let the voters decide."
So here's what "we the people" have to do; we, of course, refers to everyone who wants to live in a free society. Should Ron Paul officially announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2008, we need to get behind him, and roll up our sleeves in preparation to go to work.
Whether it be by making financial contributions, knocking on doors, making presentations, or producing written articles like this blog. If Ron Paul is in the race, we should begin sending mainstream newspapers with guest columns, and letters to the editor. If those columns, and letters are refused print, continue circulating them online through the many resources available to us there. Where possible, and visible post banners, and signs along interstate highways, exits, and intersections where traffic slows. That way thousands of ordinary commuters that are fed up with a government bureaucracy that takes upwards of 30 per cent of their income in taxes will see: RON PAUL, REPUBLICAN, AND CONSTITUTIONALIST FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008! The mainstream media will do their best(or worst) to blackout any grassroots movement that is not of their own making so we will need to be ever more diligent by taking direct action to thwart these efforts.
This will call on the "Freedom Movement" to do something that many of its members will find very hard to do. We must set aside our differences and work together for a common goal- establishing the credibility, and plausibility of a Ron Paul Presidency that would reverse the present direction of this country. The inability of different groups and organizations to cooperate has hurt the "Freedom Movement" terribly in the past. Christians refusing to work with non-Christians and vice-versa. Libertarians who will not work with Christians because they are "too religious", Christians who will not work with Libertarians because they are "too secular".
And Christians don't always get along with each other-nor do Libertarians who have fallen into an in-house argument over who is the "purist" Libertarian. Both have their differences with the Constitution Party. C'mon people, its time to shit, or get off the pot! Christians need to lighten up and share God with the rest of the world,it won't hurt you to let a Libertarian have a beer on Sunday; they wouldn't even think of pissing in the front yard of your church much less stand in the way of you going inside. Libertarians need to get their heads out of the clouds, and realize that their vision of a "free" America is not the only one out there, because after all, they are not going to be hosting the Inaugural Ball in "08"! Conservative Republicans that are already in the fold need to shed the "Republican Light" image that they have cast themselves in by throwing away their vote on candidates that are not worthy of them in the name of "the lesser of two evils" philosophy, which, if you've read my last post, only adds to the problem rather than attempting to solve it.
Should Ron Paul take the plunge and declare himself a candidate, every single one of us needs to set aside our factional differences of opinion and join together under one umbrella. I will even go as far as to say that if Ron Paul runs, all third parties should refrain from nominating a candidate of their own and throw all of their support to him. Are we not ALL nothing more than disenfranchised conservatives who would be Republican if only...? Other groups also need to get on board: the John Birch Society, Sons of Confederate Veterans, the League of the South and so on.
WE DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE IN THIS!!! Cooperation among all of us "underdogs" is the only way that a candidacy of this kind can succeed against a firmly entrenched Establishment. Tyranny is always better organized than freedom, but liberty is a fourth quarter team looking for a big play! WE CAN SORT OUT OUR DIFFERENCES LATER, THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE!!!
Congressman Paul has stepped up to the plate because he knows what we all know if we're honest with ourselves; the noose is tightening, and there isn't much time left for liberty's team. If we ever hope to restore Constititional government to the USA its now, or never.
There isn't a man better that I can think of for the job. He has an impeccable voting record. He is "right" on every freedom, and sovereignty issue. In a time of universal deception, Paul dares to commit the revolutionary act of being truthful.
Of course there will be the usual parade of naysayers, and sceptics who will claim that his views are outdated, and archaic, and that his candidacy can't possibly succeed... and they will be right unless WE THE PEOPLE prove them wrong!!!
I for one am sick of the moaning, and groaning coming from so many Libertarians about how terrible things are in Washington. I recently sent them a blog/comment that read to the effect, "When you guys are ready to do something beyond whining, and hand-wringing, give me a call." With that I terminated my membership, and have withdrawn my support($).
I think it all comes down to this, with Congressman Paul, we have an opportunity to finally do something. Let's not blow it by fighting among ourselves, but rather take the fight to the real enemy that is truly the enemy of a free people. A Ron Paul anywhere near the White House is a certain step in the right direction. But he has got to get there first. If this does not happen at the grassroots level, it won't happen at all. I normally support men/women before parties, and philosophies/ideas before men/women. I have never endorsed a candidate for office on this forum, but to quote another famous American, "extreme times demand extreme measures".
It is the fourth quarter, and time is running out; time for a "hail Mary", so go deep, its our last chance-RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!!!
The Revolution will not be Televised.
As anyone who has ever read my blog knows I am a "free thinking" constitutionalist leaning toward, but not committed to the principles espoused by the Libertarian Party, at least not entirely, as my thinking is not constrained by any party line.I usually have little enthusiasm for any of the "spin" coming from either of the two dominant parties. My "gift" does not allow me the luxury of any such indulgence. As a result, my enthusiasm is usually held "tongue-in-cheek". There are, however,occasional moments of optimism breaking through the clouds of doubt that give even me some hope. This is one of them.I believe that we have an opportunity for what might be a pursuit worth thinking about-retaking the Republican Party.
According to an Associated Press report released late last week, Dr. Ron Paul(R-Tx) is contemplating a run for the presidency in 2008. He has filed papers in Texas allowing him to form an exploratory committee that can begin to raise the money necessary for such a venture. The nine term Congressman from southeast Texas has already done so before in 1988 as the Libertarian candidate. He received over 400,000 votes on election day. This time around he will be running as a Republican, which means he will be facing much better known, and funded candidates such as "RINO" John McCain, however, I think that we may have a very small,but distinct window of opportunity here.
Both parties are controlled from the top, make no mistake about that, but I have been reading in my "sources" of compelling arguments that a power struggle has emerged among the ranks of the super-elites of the GOP. Arrayed on one side are the longstanding internationalist bankers who want to operate through entities like the UN, and the IMF. On the other side are the neo-cons and their wealthy ilk that have a vision of some great "Pax Americana", a global empire run from Washington (thru Israel). Lest there be any misunderstanding; both camps are internationalists through and through. Both are in the business of promoting neo-socialism, and communitarianism. Both would dissolve our national sovereignty, and our constitutional republican form of government in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it. But they differ over certain specific issues. One of them is the war in Iraq.
A few months ago, Richard Haas, President of the Council on Foreign Relations,published an article in which he declared the Iraq war unwinnable, and has called for an exit strategy. The neo-con controlled Bush Administration wants to "stay the course" without informing the American people as to what this really means, however, with the president having just called for 21,500 troops to be sent to Iraq it doesn't take too much of a brain to see what is to come-war with Iran, which the neo-cons have been salivating at the mouth for for quite some time. I sometimes wonder if the corporate interests that put both Hitler, and Stalin into power ever imagined the pure evil, and bloodlust that would be as a result of their myopic vision. But that is another thought to be argued another day because all of this is good news. The "freedom movement" has an opportunity to retake the Republican Party now that the warmongering neo-cons have been stalemated by the neo-socialists, thus dividing the party in two.
As far as Ron Paul is concerned, he is one of the very few true constitutionalists in Congress. The Constitution is his bible. If its not in there, he doesn't even attempt to do it. He casts his votes exclusively on what he believes the Constitution empowers the federal government to do, and votes consistently against bills he believes exceed the authority given Congress in the Constitution.As a result, he usually finds himself at odds with most of the rest of Congress, including the power brokers of the Republican Party. Its no secret that both of the major parties endorse the "nanny state", and have long since departed from the concept of a constitutional republic in any real form. Ron Paul has no "secret" agendas that include the dismantling of America in the name of "free trade"(NAFTA) which isn't "free" unless you are part of the corporate elite. There is nothing in the Constitution that empowers the feds to "partner" with big business, or supply it with corporate welfare in the form of either money or "workers"(read-slaves). As a result Paul has co-sponsered a resolution(H.C.R.487) to put a stop to the ongoing merger of the US with Canada, and Mexico, which would be a de facto reversal of the Declaration of Independence.
None of this can be said about John McCain the "beloved" of the mainstream. As a matter of fact, I doubt that we can say it about any of the others who seek the Republican nomination except for Tom Tancredo who is also sending out "feelers"(he was the co-sponser of H.C.R. 487 along with Paul).
"There's no question that it is an uphill battle, and that Dr. Paul is definitely an underdog," said Kent Snyder of the exploratory committee, "but he feels very strongly about his chances in light of the present situation, and that it is well worth the doing. We'll let the voters decide."
So here's what "we the people" have to do; we, of course, refers to everyone who wants to live in a free society. Should Ron Paul officially announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2008, we need to get behind him, and roll up our sleeves in preparation to go to work.
Whether it be by making financial contributions, knocking on doors, making presentations, or producing written articles like this blog. If Ron Paul is in the race, we should begin sending mainstream newspapers with guest columns, and letters to the editor. If those columns, and letters are refused print, continue circulating them online through the many resources available to us there. Where possible, and visible post banners, and signs along interstate highways, exits, and intersections where traffic slows. That way thousands of ordinary commuters that are fed up with a government bureaucracy that takes upwards of 30 per cent of their income in taxes will see: RON PAUL, REPUBLICAN, AND CONSTITUTIONALIST FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008! The mainstream media will do their best(or worst) to blackout any grassroots movement that is not of their own making so we will need to be ever more diligent by taking direct action to thwart these efforts.
This will call on the "Freedom Movement" to do something that many of its members will find very hard to do. We must set aside our differences and work together for a common goal- establishing the credibility, and plausibility of a Ron Paul Presidency that would reverse the present direction of this country. The inability of different groups and organizations to cooperate has hurt the "Freedom Movement" terribly in the past. Christians refusing to work with non-Christians and vice-versa. Libertarians who will not work with Christians because they are "too religious", Christians who will not work with Libertarians because they are "too secular".
And Christians don't always get along with each other-nor do Libertarians who have fallen into an in-house argument over who is the "purist" Libertarian. Both have their differences with the Constitution Party. C'mon people, its time to shit, or get off the pot! Christians need to lighten up and share God with the rest of the world,it won't hurt you to let a Libertarian have a beer on Sunday; they wouldn't even think of pissing in the front yard of your church much less stand in the way of you going inside. Libertarians need to get their heads out of the clouds, and realize that their vision of a "free" America is not the only one out there, because after all, they are not going to be hosting the Inaugural Ball in "08"! Conservative Republicans that are already in the fold need to shed the "Republican Light" image that they have cast themselves in by throwing away their vote on candidates that are not worthy of them in the name of "the lesser of two evils" philosophy, which, if you've read my last post, only adds to the problem rather than attempting to solve it.
Should Ron Paul take the plunge and declare himself a candidate, every single one of us needs to set aside our factional differences of opinion and join together under one umbrella. I will even go as far as to say that if Ron Paul runs, all third parties should refrain from nominating a candidate of their own and throw all of their support to him. Are we not ALL nothing more than disenfranchised conservatives who would be Republican if only...? Other groups also need to get on board: the John Birch Society, Sons of Confederate Veterans, the League of the South and so on.
WE DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE IN THIS!!! Cooperation among all of us "underdogs" is the only way that a candidacy of this kind can succeed against a firmly entrenched Establishment. Tyranny is always better organized than freedom, but liberty is a fourth quarter team looking for a big play! WE CAN SORT OUT OUR DIFFERENCES LATER, THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE!!!
Congressman Paul has stepped up to the plate because he knows what we all know if we're honest with ourselves; the noose is tightening, and there isn't much time left for liberty's team. If we ever hope to restore Constititional government to the USA its now, or never.
There isn't a man better that I can think of for the job. He has an impeccable voting record. He is "right" on every freedom, and sovereignty issue. In a time of universal deception, Paul dares to commit the revolutionary act of being truthful.
Of course there will be the usual parade of naysayers, and sceptics who will claim that his views are outdated, and archaic, and that his candidacy can't possibly succeed... and they will be right unless WE THE PEOPLE prove them wrong!!!
I for one am sick of the moaning, and groaning coming from so many Libertarians about how terrible things are in Washington. I recently sent them a blog/comment that read to the effect, "When you guys are ready to do something beyond whining, and hand-wringing, give me a call." With that I terminated my membership, and have withdrawn my support($).
I think it all comes down to this, with Congressman Paul, we have an opportunity to finally do something. Let's not blow it by fighting among ourselves, but rather take the fight to the real enemy that is truly the enemy of a free people. A Ron Paul anywhere near the White House is a certain step in the right direction. But he has got to get there first. If this does not happen at the grassroots level, it won't happen at all. I normally support men/women before parties, and philosophies/ideas before men/women. I have never endorsed a candidate for office on this forum, but to quote another famous American, "extreme times demand extreme measures".
It is the fourth quarter, and time is running out; time for a "hail Mary", so go deep, its our last chance-RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT!!!
The Revolution will not be Televised.
At 6:58 PM ,
RightWingRocker said...
Wow ...
No more commercials for the Libertarian Party? This is a very different Sage.
Tancredo, Paul ... I'm even looking into Duncan Hunter because he seems electable (haven't checked out his record yet though).
First and foremost, however, the borders must be sealed and the war won, even if that means showering Tehran with bombs. The problem isn't that we're fighting the war, but that we're requiring the best and brightest warriors in the world to fight like a bunch of pussies. Turn loose the war machine and win it. Take the fight to the terrorists (if only this would be done instead of just talked about) - haha there's your "if only", Sage.
The flow of illegals into the US must be stopped and those that are here sent home. If the law is to be changed to make it easier for people to come here legally, it can be done at that point, but not before.
Most importantly, we must put a true constitutionalist on the ballot for November 2008. I think we have more time than you think, Sage. Electing the lesser of two evils may be necessary to keep Hitlery out of the White House, but once that it done, it will most likely be done for good.
In any case, it's a great thing that we're getting on this early. At the very least, we will be forcing all of the major candidates to address the biggest domestic threat we face today - socialism.
At 8:00 AM ,
theoldsage said...
The problem with this war is the same problem that we had with Vietnam not so long ago. We don't want the territory, we simply want to control the idealism of the powers that be. "One can conquer a nation by horseback, but one cannot rule it so," these words were spoken by a trusted advisor of the great warrior chieftain Genghis Khan after he completed his conquest of the Mongols in the 12th century.This war is not unwinnable because we can't win the fight, but rather because we don't want to take the territory for ourselves. We are losing the war of ideology here because you cannot impose your thoughts on another, no matter how well meaning they may be, and our thoughts about the world are, quite simply, not their thoughts. We need to shit or get off the pot so to speak, and since we are never going to do the former, its long past time to start doing the latter.
"It is natural for a man to indulge in the illusions of hope"(Patrick Henry). Electing the lesser of two evils is to embrace the lies of the "establishment" for there is no "lesser of two evils", this is the delusional thinking that is necessary for them to maintain the "status quo"(them). "It is best to avoid the beginnings of evil"(Thoreau)
{"I think we have more time than you think"} - "It is vain sir to extenuate the matter. The gentlemen may cry peace, peace!, but there is no peace. THE WAR HAS ACTUALLY BEGUN!. For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the WHOLE TRUTH; to know its worst, and to provide for it".(Patrick Henry) I can live with, and by these words,and I hope you can too!
I no longer believe that the "establishment " of either of the main parties are acting in the best interests of the republic. I am through with voting for lies, and the liars that live by them."I know not what course others may take; but as for me give me liberty, or give me death"
At 9:36 AM ,
RightWingRocker said...
Your words are always interesting and insightful, Sage.
Something just occurred to me though ...
Tancredo, Paul, Hunter (if he's worthy) ... this revolution has a chance ... it just might be ...
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