Dictatorship by Democracy
I recently learned of a poll taken last week by WorldNetDaily that asked the question: "Who should the Constitution Party nominate for president?"
A list of names followed which included these patriotic Americans:
1. Tom Tancredo
2. Ron Paul
3. Alan Keyes
4. Jim Gilchrist
5. Jerome Corsi
6. Howard Phillips
7. Chuck Baldwin
The first three are favorites of mine, although I could support any of them were they the chosen candidate.There were several other choices on the menu which included some alternative choices to the naming of a particular candidate, they were:
1. "I've had it with the major parties, and will vote for a third party.
2. "I need someone of more prominence than these names.
3. " A vote for any Constitution Party candidate will virtually assure that
Hillary or another Democrat will win."
Guess which of the ten options the majority of the respondents selected?
If you chose number three of the alternative options than you are feeling the heartbeat of America! Nearly forty percent of the poll participants expressed that they would cast their vote for the "lesser of two evils(?)" presented by the two dominant parties. To ignore what are obviously superior third party candidates to vote for the least deficient of what are clearly two deficient candidates is absolutely ludicrous, if not criminal thinking. To make my case in point of the absurdity of such thinking, I offer the following illustration.
Suppose that you had a daughter, a beautiful young lady who is the apple of your eye.Since she is your pride, and joy, you will naturally want only the best for her. Now lets suppose that your daughter is being courted by three eligible men from about town, two of which come from very prominent, wealthy families with great influence, but who you know to be lacking in character. One is slightly more corrupt than the other if that is possible, but the thought of either of them becoming your son-in-law is rather distasteful. The third suitor comes from modest means, and has neither wealth, nor influence, but is nevertheless possessed of both intelligence, and integrity of character. In deference to the wealth, and influence of the families of the two young men without character, would you encourage your daughter to marry the lesser of these reprobates, or would you do everything in your power to send her in the direction of the one who would love her, care for her, and cherish her?
To have chosen the former over the latter would tell me that there is something wrong with your thought process. The history of reprobates being reformed is heavily weighted with failures, including our most recent attempt by "conservatives" to rescue the Bush administration from its ventures into liberalism. If we think that we can elect the "lesser of two evils" as our commander in chief and then reform him once he is in office, we deserve the grief that we have chosen for ourselves. The fact that we can no longer ignore is that the politics of our national two-party dictatorship is contributing to the rapid demise of our republic, and have been doing so for quite some time.This is not by accident either, lest you be fooled. The system works very nicely to insure that the corrupted limit the choices to like-minded individuals forcing the people to choose between the perverted and like-wise perverted.
The differences between the two parties are cosmetic at best. They are the same horse internally with a few different spots on the outside, carefully designed and painted mind you as to dupe the people into believing that they have a viable alternative where in fact none is present. This brilliant contrivance is outwardly wrapping themselves up in the American flag while inwardly they do away with the pledge of allegiance. Make no mistake about them, both the Democratic and Republican parties intention is to move the United States toward a "new world order" socialist government. All comments to the contrary are only a smoke screen to cover their actions.
Any of the above named potential candidates would be infinitely superior to those who comprise the long list of prospects that are being paraded past the voters by the two national parties at present. Unlike the party favorites, none of them are internationalists motivated by goals of a one world system. They understand the implications of our present drift toward a socialist state. They are all committed to a government that is guided by the principles set forth in the Constitution, including the limits that it places on the scope of their power. Above all else these people have demonstrated a clarity, and purpose in regards to the absolutes of morality in respect to the will of the people, and are able to differentiate between what is legal, and what is not as far as their conduct is concerned. The likes of Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Kerry and their ilk in both parties represent the "new world order" socialists that have been violating the dictates of the Constitution in direct opposition to the mandates given to them by the American people. They are traitors to their country and to the offices to which they have been elected.
I have repeatedly stated to all my belief that we are standing on the abyss over which we will fall into a communistic form of government. Many of the so-called "internationalists" among us in their ignorance are promoting the already failed doctrines of Marx, and Lenin when they advocate this brand of neo-socialism. Too many of our political leaders are either in collusion with, or are the unwitting dupes of these utopian dreamers. The ranks of the two national parties are both corrupted beyond any realistic efforts at serious reform. If we are honest with ourselves, the choice laid before us is abundantly clear. If you as a voter, want to hasten the fulfillment of the wishes of the "new world order", keep voting for the lesser of two evils and be thankful for what you've got-dictatorship by democracy.
Or, if that is not your cup of tea, wake up and smell the rat. Its not too late to really "make your vote count"for a country to die for.
The Revolution will not be Televised.
A list of names followed which included these patriotic Americans:
1. Tom Tancredo
2. Ron Paul
3. Alan Keyes
4. Jim Gilchrist
5. Jerome Corsi
6. Howard Phillips
7. Chuck Baldwin
The first three are favorites of mine, although I could support any of them were they the chosen candidate.There were several other choices on the menu which included some alternative choices to the naming of a particular candidate, they were:
1. "I've had it with the major parties, and will vote for a third party.
2. "I need someone of more prominence than these names.
3. " A vote for any Constitution Party candidate will virtually assure that
Hillary or another Democrat will win."
Guess which of the ten options the majority of the respondents selected?
If you chose number three of the alternative options than you are feeling the heartbeat of America! Nearly forty percent of the poll participants expressed that they would cast their vote for the "lesser of two evils(?)" presented by the two dominant parties. To ignore what are obviously superior third party candidates to vote for the least deficient of what are clearly two deficient candidates is absolutely ludicrous, if not criminal thinking. To make my case in point of the absurdity of such thinking, I offer the following illustration.
Suppose that you had a daughter, a beautiful young lady who is the apple of your eye.Since she is your pride, and joy, you will naturally want only the best for her. Now lets suppose that your daughter is being courted by three eligible men from about town, two of which come from very prominent, wealthy families with great influence, but who you know to be lacking in character. One is slightly more corrupt than the other if that is possible, but the thought of either of them becoming your son-in-law is rather distasteful. The third suitor comes from modest means, and has neither wealth, nor influence, but is nevertheless possessed of both intelligence, and integrity of character. In deference to the wealth, and influence of the families of the two young men without character, would you encourage your daughter to marry the lesser of these reprobates, or would you do everything in your power to send her in the direction of the one who would love her, care for her, and cherish her?
To have chosen the former over the latter would tell me that there is something wrong with your thought process. The history of reprobates being reformed is heavily weighted with failures, including our most recent attempt by "conservatives" to rescue the Bush administration from its ventures into liberalism. If we think that we can elect the "lesser of two evils" as our commander in chief and then reform him once he is in office, we deserve the grief that we have chosen for ourselves. The fact that we can no longer ignore is that the politics of our national two-party dictatorship is contributing to the rapid demise of our republic, and have been doing so for quite some time.This is not by accident either, lest you be fooled. The system works very nicely to insure that the corrupted limit the choices to like-minded individuals forcing the people to choose between the perverted and like-wise perverted.
The differences between the two parties are cosmetic at best. They are the same horse internally with a few different spots on the outside, carefully designed and painted mind you as to dupe the people into believing that they have a viable alternative where in fact none is present. This brilliant contrivance is outwardly wrapping themselves up in the American flag while inwardly they do away with the pledge of allegiance. Make no mistake about them, both the Democratic and Republican parties intention is to move the United States toward a "new world order" socialist government. All comments to the contrary are only a smoke screen to cover their actions.
Any of the above named potential candidates would be infinitely superior to those who comprise the long list of prospects that are being paraded past the voters by the two national parties at present. Unlike the party favorites, none of them are internationalists motivated by goals of a one world system. They understand the implications of our present drift toward a socialist state. They are all committed to a government that is guided by the principles set forth in the Constitution, including the limits that it places on the scope of their power. Above all else these people have demonstrated a clarity, and purpose in regards to the absolutes of morality in respect to the will of the people, and are able to differentiate between what is legal, and what is not as far as their conduct is concerned. The likes of Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Kerry and their ilk in both parties represent the "new world order" socialists that have been violating the dictates of the Constitution in direct opposition to the mandates given to them by the American people. They are traitors to their country and to the offices to which they have been elected.
I have repeatedly stated to all my belief that we are standing on the abyss over which we will fall into a communistic form of government. Many of the so-called "internationalists" among us in their ignorance are promoting the already failed doctrines of Marx, and Lenin when they advocate this brand of neo-socialism. Too many of our political leaders are either in collusion with, or are the unwitting dupes of these utopian dreamers. The ranks of the two national parties are both corrupted beyond any realistic efforts at serious reform. If we are honest with ourselves, the choice laid before us is abundantly clear. If you as a voter, want to hasten the fulfillment of the wishes of the "new world order", keep voting for the lesser of two evils and be thankful for what you've got-dictatorship by democracy.
Or, if that is not your cup of tea, wake up and smell the rat. Its not too late to really "make your vote count"for a country to die for.
The Revolution will not be Televised.
At 1:50 PM ,
RightWingRocker said...
Any of these would be great.
I strongly support Tancredo and a couple others for the Rethuglican nomination.
Would vote for him as a Republican, Sage?
At 6:59 AM ,
theoldsage said...
Absolutely, wait to you read my next post soon to come!
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