Rocker and Sage

The Quintessential Optimist and the Quintessential Cynic - Working Together to Build a Better America.

Monday, June 13, 2005

War and Global Warming

Politics and Politicians are about one thing; increasing the power and scope of government in order to manifest the transfer of wealth (power) from the people to the government. The most efficient vehicle used in the twentieth century for this purpose has been war.

It has been said that "War is just one more government program", which puts quite an interesting socialist spin on a subject to which it is seldom applied. James Madison,"the father of the Constitution" had much to say about this subject as well. At the end of one speech he said,"No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare". This is a point that has not gone unnoticed by the powers that be in their ongoing attempt to usurp the God given rights of the people. In this statement, Madison has hit the proverbial nail on its proverbial head. War has been the most efficient vehicle for governments to do what they do best, and what politicians have intended that it should do, and that is to transfer wealth(power) from you to them.

And when they get tired of war, which they will in a few years, no matter the perceived level of fear projected onto whatever "bogeyman" is the latest in line, there will be a new program to effect the continuance of the ongoing transfer which will very nicely take the place of war. That program will be environmentalism.

I'm an unusual conservative in that when it comes to human interests vs. the environment, I will always lean toward the position that I believe will best support what I feel is right for nurturing, and maintaining the environment in as close to a natural state as possible. I think this is because I see humans as "one among the animals", instead of a separate species that is somehow superior to the rest. My point here, so as to not belabor my intentions, is to say that while I support environmentalism theoretically, I am opposed to any form of unilaterrally imposed government programs designed for the said purpose of maintaining it.

The beginning of the end of the "earth conscious" movement,of which I was a part, commensurated with the formation of the E.P.A. in the 70's. Big government quickly realized both the potential, and the threat posed by that movement in the 60's, and acted as government always does by placing itself in the best possible position to further its ends, hence the formation of the E.P.A. At present, this bureaucratic arm of the government is gearing up for its future role in the transfer process. I believe when the present war cools down, environmentalism will heat up (no pun intended).

One of the major tenets of environmentalism is the current misunderstanding of the science of global warming. The ideas posed by this science were first suggested over one hundred years ago by a man named Arrhenius. It seems that he was able to calculate that planetary temperatures would rise as co2 increased in the atmosphere. With the advent of "Earth Day" in 1970 the theory of 'global warming" was off and running. Government, quick to seize any opportunity to further its ends, saw this as an advantageous moment,and took it.

Last week, I read an article which was highlighting the escalating disagreement between President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair over the effects of global warming. It seems that Blair has been frustrated in his protracted attempts to convince the president of the urgent need of American endorsement of the Kyoto Protocol, which imposes air quality standards on the industrialized nations of the world. In theory,the protocol points to a situation which I believe cannot, nor should not be ignored, that being the impact of human civilization on the earth, and its environs.

However,after careful examination of the mandated standards in question, the flaws in this document become apparent, and it is easy to see why the president has not, and should not ever put his signature on it. It also points out an even more sinister truth, however, which is my argument in this instance, that being the real intention of the government, which is to create another program using fear to take freedom from the people.

Unfortunately for all of us, no matter which side you find yourself on both war and global warming are about transferring wealth plain,and simple. When you understand one, you will understand the other.

The Revolution will not be televised.


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