Right -Wing Socialism
The more George Bush makes great proclamations about his achievements in spreading democracy and freedom to the world, the more our liberties at home are being chiseled away. Bush may be on the path to liberate the world, but, he is in fact enslaving Americans at a rate that would make any hard core liberal proud of his record. In fact, if Bush's vision of American interventionism continues as part of the foreign policy landscape,Americans will virtually become the world's slaves before he leaves office. It is nowhere written in the Constitution that it is America's responsibility to foot the bill to provide freedom to the rest of the world.
We already have a massive federal deficit that is growing thanks to our government leaders,including our august president,and now his plan is to continue to give billions,soon to be trillions of your money to aid foreign nations that neither have the means(education),or the will to implement the American model of democracy that has been successful for over two hundred years. They only see the U.S. as some fat cat tossing them scraps. Bush thinks, as have others before him,that by giving the rest of the world our wealth,and our 'model' that some how they will see the error of their ways,and the world will be a "safer place for democracy"(Wilson),and thus will be more secure,and less anti-American.
We only have to look at western Europe to see the failure of this policy(The Marshall Plan),and the resentment that has been engendered.
"Read my lips" Mr. Bush,either way,Left or Right,socialism does'nt work at home or abroad! The Revolution will not be televised.
We already have a massive federal deficit that is growing thanks to our government leaders,including our august president,and now his plan is to continue to give billions,soon to be trillions of your money to aid foreign nations that neither have the means(education),or the will to implement the American model of democracy that has been successful for over two hundred years. They only see the U.S. as some fat cat tossing them scraps. Bush thinks, as have others before him,that by giving the rest of the world our wealth,and our 'model' that some how they will see the error of their ways,and the world will be a "safer place for democracy"(Wilson),and thus will be more secure,and less anti-American.
We only have to look at western Europe to see the failure of this policy(The Marshall Plan),and the resentment that has been engendered.
"Read my lips" Mr. Bush,either way,Left or Right,socialism does'nt work at home or abroad! The Revolution will not be televised.
At 9:33 AM ,
RightWingRocker said...
Yeah, Sage. Foreign aid sucks.
I can't find anything in the Constitution that would justify it, either.
As to the "hardcore liberal" stuff, I'm not sure I can agree with you, as even most soft-core liberals still say he's not shelling out enough.
At 6:19 AM ,
theoldsage said...
If that is the way you really feel,how can you support the war in Iraq? This is exactly the kind of "right-wing socialism" that I was referring to. There is no Constitutional basis for any pre-emptive military activity anywhere,anytime. Congress alone has the power to declare war.We have not followed this policy for more than fifty years,and it has brought us nothing but trouble. This latest rendition of the same old tune is still out of tune! If this president will not follow the highest law of the land,which has been the cornerstone of the republic for two hundred years,than he is no friend of anyone who has declared himself by his God-given right to be free,and independent of tyranny in all its forms.
I would say the same thing to the Iraqis that you have suggested to the Mexicans,
if you wish to be free, than you must fight to achieve it as we here in the U.S. did all of those years ago.Begin with a grassroots movement,organize a militia, fight with sticks,and stones if you must. When you demonstrate to the rest of the world that your cause is pure,friends of freedom will appear,and volunteer their help if necessary. Always remember that "there are no friends among nations,only interests" meaning that anytime you request the assistance of another nation,there is a price to be paid. We almost lost our revolution by our dependence on a foreign power(France)
in a similar way.In this respect,we(U.S.)
are no different than France was to us, save that their issue was war with England, and ours is the supply of oil.
At 7:35 AM ,
RightWingRocker said...
Congress authorized the war in Iraq. Here's the resulotion passed by Congress in October 2002.
The main difference between the Iraqis and the Mexicans is that the Mexicans have a "Right to Bear Arms" clause in their constitution, despite its limitations. Iraqis under Saddam had no rights, as the regime decided who would have any given right, including personal armament rights, who would not, and under what circumstances based on his personal whim on any given day.
The war in Iraq was necessary for the reasons stated in the resolution above. Congress rightly authorized the war in Iraq. I support it from a national security standpoint. Hussein was harboring known terrorists (Al-Zarqawi was one of them), and was known to be paying off families who would send their children into terrorist suicide missions, contrary to the positions correctly taken by the President.
Terrorism is not caused by American policy. If you think it is, then we will have to agree to disagree on that. The terrorism we face today has as its source a bunch of fanatic nutcases who would come after us eventually, and if we waited, from a more powerful standpoint. We know where the problems are, so it is in our best interests that we take care of them now, before the problem becomes too much to handle.
The Iraq war is NOT pre-emptive. It is in a clear response to the situations outlined in Resolution 114. These terrorists have attacked us at home. They have left us no choice. May they all die and, if God wills, roast in hell for all eternity.
At 11:27 AM ,
theoldsage said...
Rocker, You are right about the resolution,however,I maintain that we need to mind our own business in regards to these affairs,as these are not our fights! The roots of these fights have to do with religion, and are of the house of Abraham. Let Abraham solve his own problems. These people will never be free until they learn philios,and they won't do that unless they begin to practice the basic tenent of the faith of both their houses, which is "God is love". When you take sides in an argument of this type, you will most certainly incur the wrath of the opposition whichever that is. The fact that we are largely a Judeo-Christian nation only exacerbates the problem from that standpoint.My foreign policy perspective was stated very nicely by Teddy Roosevelt,"walk softly,but carry a big stick". I learned this lesson very early in my life in a personal way.If we had pursued this policy going all the way back to 1917 we would not find ourselves in this imbroglio now.
As far as "terrorist nutcases" of this variety are concerned; have you noticed what religion they espouse to be practicing? They have misread their own scriptures as do all fundamentalists in their attempt to make God in their own image. We have simply decided to back the less violent wing which is,in this case Israel. As I said before, this fight is not our fight,we have made it our fight, and the terrorist strikes are a direct response to our involvement. Terrorism is not a new phenomenon,it is new to the U.S.,however.
I'll let Patrick Buchanan take it from here,I think he says it best. On CBS's "Meet the Press",he was recently quoted as noting that"the root cause of international terrorism is interventionism,and occupation. When Britain got out of Palestine,the terror stopped.When France left Algiers,the terror stopped.When the Russians left Afghanistan the terror stopped'. When we come to understand the wisdom of feathering our own nest, and leaving the rest of the world to feather theirs we will allow ourselves to enjoy the rest we seek.
At 11:37 AM ,
theoldsage said...
Oh, and just one more thing. I'm not sure that the congressional resolution which allowed our president to have his "baptism" into middle eastern religion would have passed had all of the facts been on the table.
At 12:12 PM ,
RightWingRocker said...
They have misread their own scriptures as do all fundamentalists in their attempt to make God in their own image.
This has made my point quite nicely. If you believe that our alliance with Israel has made these people want to harm us, I would say you are quite naive. These people would have hit us anyway becuase they hate our Judeo-Christian nature and the freedom and prosperity that come with it. This has nothing whatsoever to so with Israel. Our alliance with Israel is simply a convenient excuse for them to involce themselves in terrorism here. If we weren't allied with Israel, they would make up another excuse.
At 9:37 AM ,
theoldsage said...
They apparently could'nt find one for more than one thousand years before 1948.
(an excuse)"These people" also hate the source of our faith,which is attempting to take possession of their homeland of thousands of years,which, if I were them,
would certainly motivate me to consider taking action against the greatest impediment to any possibility of success.
And by the way,fundamentalism is the real enemy of us all here. Three of the world's four greatest faiths are presently in Jerusalem killing each other
in the name of "God is love" with each one laying claim to the "holy lands" as being rightfully theirs.This scenario is quite reminiscent of the Crusades fought over one thousand years ago by,in case you had'nt noticed, the same group of religious zealots over the same issues essentially.
As I said yesterday,until they learn the requirements of the faiths that they supposedly espouse,this fight will continue until God gets tired of it and knocks them all out! This does not have to be our fight,however,unless we want it to be.I'm afraid that George Bush's wants and ulterior motives are the real issue here, and need the support of the religious right ,which would explain why he has continued to refer to our involvement as a "crusade", which it rightly is.If the alliance with Israel plays no part,as you say, then why not terminate it. We are not required by our constitution to support the Jewish state.
It was created originally by a world that had a love/hate relationship with the holocaust,but would not open its doors to
the displaced population of the European Jewish remnant. This had occurred in the hope that the diaspora, which had been going on since 70 A.D.,would finally be ended.Unfortunately, the Jew's continued insistence that they are the "chosen people of God",which is also the Islamic
take on their(Koran) scriptures,has created a religious morass,that is essentially a family feud over three thousand years old.
The U.S. intervention into the politics of the middle east has been a very slow,but painful learning experience that is not,in my humble opinion, necessary
to the security of our homeland. My opposition to this involvement is neither to support,or undermine any of the religious positions taken here,but simply an attempt to "avoid foreign entangling alliances",which I genuinely believe is the best course for this republic.
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